Monday, May 5, 2014

Sort of Apple Crumble Cake

This "Sort of Apple Crumble Cake" has always been a big hit with my family and friends.  
It uses basic ingredients, apples, sugar, margarine, flour and eggs for the most part, but of course there are a few additions that bump the flavor up quite a bit.
You don’t have to make such a large cake (as pictured here) in a disposable pan; I usually make a number of smaller cakes which I freeze and then re-warm. 
This super large cake has become an annual event - my oldest daughter and her childhood friends have been asking me to make it for their annual Independence Day picnic for upwards of 15 years. Now that I think about it, this is really a "can’t eat just one piece" type of cake.
I also invested in an **Apple Peeler, Slicer, Corer which makes the Apple coring, slicing peeling part easy and very professional looking!
Ingredients: (from left to right) Granny Smith Apples, Applesauce, Cake Flour, Margarine,
Cinnamon, Vanilla Sugar, Apricot Jelly, 2 Eggs, Sugar
 [Rating – easy, but there are steps involved]
Preparation time
20 minutes [using one very large aluminum disposable pan or smaller pans]
30 minutes [if you have to peel and slice the apples] 
45 minutes baking time

200 grams of melted margarine or butter (I use margarine)
1 cup sugar
4 cups cake flour
2 eggs
2 tablespoons oil
2 envelops of vanilla sugar
Cake Flour, Margarine, Vanilla Sugar, 2 Eggs, Sugar
(the measurements are approximate, you can use more or less but you must cover the dough with each layer of ingredient)
2 cups of Jelly/Jam*
2 cups Applesauce (sweetened or unsweetened) (about one can)
6-8 Granny Smith apples (peeled and sliced)**
½ cup Lemon juice (to prevent the apples from turning brown)
¼ cup sugar
Cinnamon (about 4-6 Tablespoons or more)
*Apricot, Strawberry, Blueberry, Passion Fruit or whatever you have around.
**The Apple Peeler, Corer and Slicer can be purchased from AMAZON and DOMO. 

Granny Smith Apples, Cinnamon, Jelly/Jam/Lemon Juice, Applesauce
and my good old Apple Peeler Corer Slicer**
Step 1: Dough
In a medium sized bowl mix together with a big spoon:
Melted margarine*, sugar, oil, flour eggs and 1 envelop of vanilla sugar.
Mix with a strong spoon, until all the ingredients are mixed together (about 2-3 minutes).
The mixture will produce a dough that is soft and easy to work with. 
The dough should be soft and pliable and NOT stick to your fingers.
Let the dough rest a bit.
*(a quick zap in the microwave oven melts the margarine)

Margarine with Sugar    

Margarine, Sugar and 2 Eggs

Add the Cake Flour and Salt and Mix with that spoon

Result: Dough - soft and not sticky

Step 2: Apples
Peel and core the apples, then cut into half-moon thin slices; 
I actually cheat, I have this great apple peeler, slicer, corer** that does it all at once (see picture); all I have to do is cut the apple in half to get my half-moon shaped slices.
In a large bowl add the apples and coat with lemon juice, sugar and cinnamon.
Mix by hand until all the apples are coated evening.
Let sit of a few minutes.
**The Apple Peeler, Corer and Slicer can be purchased at AMAZON and DOMO.

My Peeler, Corer, Slicer in action**

Apple - sliced, cored and peeled

Cut slices
Slice down the center
to make half-moons

Add lemon juice, sugar and cinnamon
Mix by-hand to coat the Apples

**The Apple Peeler, Corer and Slicer can be purchased at AMAZON and DOMO.

Step 3: The Cake
This total recipe is good for a large aluminum throw away pan, with high sides.
(Feel free to make smaller cakes, as gifts or to freeze for later.)
Take a large handful of dough, squeeze it together to make a ball.
Carefully press a thin layer of the dough on the bottom or your pan, the important word is thin – don’t be afraid to go thin!
Repeat this step until the whole bottom is covered evenly.
[There should be about half the dough mixture left in the bowl.]

Apple slices, Jelly, Applesauce,
Dough and a Very Large Disposable Baking Pan

Dough on the pan before
pressing into a THIN layer

See how THIN the layer of dough should be

The whole pan is covered

                 Dough remaining in the bowl (about 2 large handfuls)
Step 4: Jelly/Jam
Next – spread the jam or jelly evenly over the dough.
Use the back of a spoon – make sure you get the jelly into the all the corners.

Adding the Jelly/Jam

Jelly/Jam spread over the Dough

Step 5: Applesauce
Spread the applesauce over the jelly/jam.
Again, Use a spoon to spread it evenly over the jelly.

Adding Applesauce

Applesauce spread over the Jelly/Jam

Step 6: Apples
Carefully place the apples in a single layer on the applesauce (see photo).
Place Apples in a single layer

Apple layer completed

Step 7: Crumble Topping
Take a big handful of squeezed together dough and using an “old fashioned” potato grater, grate the dough over the apples until they are completely covered; use all the remaining dough.

Take a fist size handful of dough
and grate over the Apples

Grated dough scattered on Apples

Grated Dough Covering Apples, etc.

Step 8: The Finish
Sprinkle some cinnamon and the second envelop of vanilla sugar over the top.
Bake at about 180°C (350°F) for about 45 minutes or until the jelly starts bubbling out the side and the top of the cake starts to brown slightly.
Finished Product:
Sort of Apple Crumble Cake
Serving Options:
The "Sort of Apple Crumble Cake" can be served hot or cold. 
It can stand alone or it can be served with Ice Cream; it doesn't need cream or syrup it is really very moist. 
It can be frozen and reheated.
I sometimes cut the cake into serving sized pieces and freeze them, that way I can treat myself to a 'single' piece with my morning coffee.

**The Apple Peeler, Corer and Slicer can be purchased at AMAZON and DOMO.