Monday, April 13, 2020

PASSOVER CAKE - A Traditional Favorite

A Passover Traditional Favorite, we make this every year. We use the leftover matzo meal. It is easy to make, but actually, I make it because it brings back wonderful memories of my Grandma Rose. She gave me this recipe over 45 years ago. She was quite a remarkable woman, in her time, opinionated, independent and always well-dressed and elegant. 

The recipe itself is very straight forward and I must admit, for sentimental reasons, I kept the recipe in her original handwriting, it is attached below. 

  • You will need two bowls, one large bowl for the egg yolks, etc.
  • The other bowl large enough to beat the egg whites until stiff in. 
  • You can use a hand mixer or large Kitchenaid type mixer, both work.
  • A rubber spatula works great to fold in the stiff egg whites.
  • A large high sided bundt pan (greased).

*9 medium-sized eggs (separated)
1 1/2 cup of sugar
1 lemon rind - grated
1/2 cup lemon or orange juice

1 cup matzo meal
1/4 cup potato starch or potato flour
A dash of salt.

*(due to the egg shortage I only used 7 medium-sized eggs)

In the large bowl with the well-beaten egg yolks (the yellow), Add the sugar.
Mix well (by hand).
Add the grated lemon rind and the lemon or orange juice.
Mix well (by hand).
Sift the matzo meal, potato starch, and salt together.
Add it to the egg yolk mixture.
Mix by hand.

In a separate bowl beat the egg whites until they are stiff.

Fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites (by hand with a rubber spatula).
Be careful not to overmix, but the mixture should be uniform.
Pour into a high sided lightly greased bundt cake mold.
Bake in a moderate oven for 1 hour, check it, it may need more time in the oven depending on the size of your pan.
[The cake rises quite a bit so be sure whatever pan your using has high enough sides to allow for the cake to rise.]

Dust with powdered sugar to serve.
A 7-egg cake

Grandma Rose's original handwritten recipe
PS After tasting this lovely fluffy cake it occurred to me that I might consider adding 1/4 cup of ground coconut, it just might enhance the flavor even more.
What do you think?


Tuesday, April 7, 2020

PASSOVER ROLLS - a tried and true recipe

Hi - I'm back!!!

Passover is a time when we use traditional recipes to celebrate this special holiday. 

I cannot say enough nice things about the recipe - it's easy, simple and fast. But what makes it special is that it was given to me many years ago by my sister Jerri-Ann and it has become a family tradition and an essential part of our family's Passover Celebration. 

This year, because of the Corona Virus quarantine we only made one batch; every year, when we are invited to a Passover Seder we make about 4 batches.

Preparation time: 

  • 15 minutes to prepare the mixture
  • 40-45 minutes to bake at F375 / C180

You will need a medium-sized pot for mixing all of the ingredients and a lightly greased cookies sheet.

[The amounts given below are for one batch of about 8-10 rolls.]


1/3 cup of oil (canola)
1 cup of water
2 teaspoons of sugar
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 cup of matzo meal
3 eggs (medium size are okay)

Add into the pot - the water, salt, oil and sugar.
Bring to a boil.
Remove the pot from the heat.
Add the matza meal.
Mix well (the mixture will be hard to stir).
Let cool a bit.
Start adding the eggs - One by One.
Mix each egg in thoroughly (I use a soup spoon to mix with)
After the last egg mix again to be sure you have an even mixture.

Drop by the soup spoonful, onto the cookie sheet, leaving space between each - they actually puff up.

See how they fluff up!!
Bake for 40-45 minutes at F375 / C180.

Makes 8-10 depending on the size.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me!!!

Sunday, December 31, 2017


CAPRICORN COOKS: CAPRICORN COOKS: Pickled Cabbage: This is one of our favorite pickled side dishes. It is quick and simple to make. It should be prepared at least 2 days before you wa...

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

CAPRICORN COOKS: Pickled Cabbage

This is one of our favorite pickled side dishes.
It is quick and simple to make.
It should be prepared at least 2 days before you want to serve it for maximum flavor.
It keeps in the refrigerator for about 2-3 weeks.


Preparation time: 10-15 minutes
~5 minutes to mix the sugar in the water and vinegar mixture.
~5 minutes to cut the cabbage
~5 minutes to fill the jar and pour the liquid

·       1/2 large cabbage - cubed (you may need a bit more to fill the jar)
·       1 cup plain white vinegar
·        1 cup plain water
·        1/2 cup plain white sugar
·        2 garlic cloves
·       4 small hot dry peppers

sugar, garlic, dry hot peppers, vinegar,
cabbage, and pickling jar

Cubed Cabbage

·      Mix the water, vinegar, and sugar until the liquid looks clear, not milky
    (the sugar should be dissolved)
·       Add the dry cut cabbage into the jar, interspersing the garlic and dry hot peppers.
    The jar should be filled to the top.
·      Pour the liquid into the jar until the cabbage is completely covered.
*If need be, prepare another batch of the liquid mixture to cover.

·      Set aside for a day or two (no need to refrigerate yet).
·      Refrigerate and serve cold

 Pickled Cabbage
Remember to cover the cabbage with liquid

**Remember to use a clean spoon when removing the cabbage from the jar.

Serving Suggestions:
ØServe Cold
ØServe as a side dish with any meal.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

CAPRICORN COOKS: Matzo Brei for Passover

CAPRICORN COOKS: Matzo Brei for Passover: This is our favorite Passover comfort food. It is easy to make and I have great memories of making big batches of this for breakfast for my...

Matzo Brei for Passover

This is our favorite Passover comfort food. It is easy to make and I have great memories of making big batches of this for breakfast for my sister’s and brother. I actually do not remember who taught be how to make Matzo Brei this way, but as with everything in my kitchen, it has evolved into how I make today*. By the way, there are hundreds of ways to make Matzo Brei, every family has their own special version so have fun and be as creative as you like!!!

Preparation time: 15-20 minutes (including soaking and frying time)

Ingredients for one serving:
2 eggs
2 Matzo sheets
Running water
Pinch of kosher salt
2 tablespoons of oil for frying

Use the ratio one egg for every sheet of Matzo.
*I do not use Egg Matzo or Onion Matzo – I keep it simple.

·        Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl

·        Beat them until even in color
·        Under running water wet the Matzo (do not shake off the extra water)
·        Break the Matzo in half and then half again (see picture)
·        Wet again under running water (do not shake of the extra water)
·        Break bite- sized pieces (see picture) of the Matzo into the egg mixture
·        Some water will get into the egg – that’s good
·        Add about a palm-full of water into the egg and matzo mixture
·        Mix well
·        Let sit about 15 minutes – stirring occasionally to be sure all the Matzo is covered with egg
·        Mix well again
·        Heat the oil in a frying pan
·        Pour the whole mixture into the frying pan
·        Fry like you would scrabbled-eggs, breaking up large pieces
     [You will hear a sizzling sound – that is the egg cooking and drying out]
·        Cook until light and fluffy (as wet or as dry as you like your eggs)
·        Remove to a bowl 
·        Top it with sugar or (see options below)

My favorite topping is a generous sprinkle of plain white sugar. 

Optional Toppings:
Other options: cinnamon & sugar, maple syrup, jam, grated cheese, diced scallions, cubed feta cheese or date syrup (Silan), sour cream or whatever you heart desires.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


This is a simple easy cookie recipe that is my go-too recipe when the Cookie Jar is looking empty. Who doesn't have a couple of eggs in the fridge and some flour and sugar in the pantry? You just have to remember to keep a package of ground almonds in the freezer. I usually mix all of the ingredients together in one bowl, first wet and then dry. EASY - Only one bowl, one measuring cup and a spoon to wash! 
Try making it with your kids or Grandkids.

Line two large cookie sheets with parchment paper. 
No need to oil the paper.
Pre-heat your oven to 180°C
Preparing the batter: 15 minutes 
Baking time: about 15 minutes for each batch (you can put two pans in the oven at once)

Makes about 50-60 cookies

1 margarine (200 grams)
1 cup of sugar
2 eggs 
1 packet vanilla sugar
1 packet baking powder
1 cup (100 grams) Ground Almonds
1 cup Chocolate Chips
2 cups regular flour
Pinch of salt
Melted margarine, flour, ground almonds, sugar, eggs, chocolate chips

 Preparation: “Mix” by hand with a spoon
In a large bowl:
·       Melt the margarine
·       Add the sugar and the vanilla sugar
·       Mix until sugar starts to dissolve
·       Add the eggs
·       Mix well
·       Add the Ground Almonds
·       Mix well
·       Add flour, baking powder a pinch of salt to the wet mixture (the mixture will be somewhat thick, don't forget to scrap the bottom of the bowl)
·       Mix well, but not too much!

Dough before adding Chocolate Chips
·       Add the Chocolate Chips
·       Mix until the Chocolate Chips are more or less evenly distributed (see below)

Dough after adding Chocolate Chips

Scoop ping-pong size balls of batter onto the cookie sheet (I use a mini-ice cream scoop) leaving space between each – the cookies will spread a bit – make sure there are some chocolate chips showing.
[You could make them larger or smaller.]

[The dough will be easy to handle and not sticky or too dry. If the dough seems too dry, add an additional egg; if the dough seems too wet add a ¼ cup of flour.]

Cookies on the way into the oven